November 07, 2004

Attention: Cast & Crew of "How I Got Lost"

I doubt you've forgotten how cold it was in February when we shot this thing.

Well, it's finally time to see it. In the last month or so, Dom and I have been working on the sound design and it's been way too much fun. Most of what we did involved making noises and doing foley work (re-creating sound effects, essentially) in the sound booth, and of course drinking beer. Kevin and Graham also came in to record some stuff, and it was great to get back to working on the movie with them. I guess I've more or less lived with this movie over the summer, and I know it will be hard for me to admit that it's all done now that it's over with.

Which is why this premiere is going to be great. Everyone's going to be there.

I'm sure by now you know the details of when and where, and I hope you've gotten postcards and enough emails to clog your mailbox already. And most of all I hope you're looking forward to seeing the end result of all of that hard work -- and of course there are also two other movies to look forward to that will be shown with "How I Got Lost." Basically, there's going to be a lot of good stuff to see. Let everyone you know... know, or something. (Also, check the back of next weeks Village Voice!)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you just feel like saying hello. It'd be great to hear from you. Otherwise, I will be in town next Wednesday, November 10, and I'm free for drinks or coffee anytime. I'm more than happy to show you the movie ahead of time if you wanna check it out. And I think it'd be great to have BRUNCH the Sunday of the screening! So I'm going to be looking into that. Did I mention that we will have DVDs for you at the screening? And of course I will be able to give you whatever footage you would like in raw or finished form for your reel. Just let me know. Now that the movie's done I don't know what to do with myself.

So over the next week while we're calling production companies and agents and sending emails, keep in mind the following picture: a theatre filled with 200 or so screaming fans, a red carpet, and myself wearing a dress that is also a swan. Ok, maybe not.

But it's going to be almost that good, so bring your friends.

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