January 27, 2006

The Silverlake Diet

Started a writing group in LA with Jared, Lily, Jace, Gabe and Josh. We will meet every week this month at our place. It is a funny thing to start in a way. Writing is sitting alone in a room. A writing group is really commiserating. Plus everyone has a different process and style, and their own vision of what they are writing in their head. It is just difficult enough sounding to seem like a great way to spend every Wednesday this year.

A new year. This year everything positive, building ahead. Less drinking. Or at least, rules for drinking. Only drinking this year with friends, and as little as possible. No benders. Except when warranted by visitors. These rules are made to broken, so nevermind. Less drinking in general, more writing. A good resolution.

Working on finishing up "Actors." It's been incredible working with Gabe, who I can only describe as a "real editor" because he is just a pro, and because we've been finding this project together. It's a better project than I could have hoped for, but most importantly it has been interesting every step of the way. Currently have a cut that is too long, but after a week of looking at it happily -- my director's cut -- I was happy Gabe started cutting it down. Got some music for the movie from Russell Holbrook, a guy I met at Sundance last year -- we were both volunteers. His cues are terrific. and I speak to him on the phone about them and he sends them to me on CD. It is an over-the-phone collaboration, and works just fine because we are both somehow on the same page.

I saw Kaki last week. It was incredible to see her. She played for an hour at a jazz club in West LA. She sang some, and played things that were new, and made a few things up. Afterwards I got to catch up with her. It's incredible how some people can affect you, and remind you who you were and who you are all at once.

I ran out of money this month. Too much movie spending, no income for a few months. But it's a new year. I took a job at a phone bank raising money for the DNC to supplement my random post-production pay. I am one of those people who calls and asks for money. Everyone should have to do this. It is actually tough work inconveniencing people, asking them for money. But you learn things about yourself and about the things you take for granted and make assumptions about when you're on the other end. Our call center is a beautiful thing, too. Not only because I am building character and learning about myself. I have never encountered a place that was richer in terms of material. Everyone there -- everyone -- is a character.

It's perfect because I getting into a new SIlverlake rhythm, and this year I'm writing more and drinking less.

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