January 02, 2005

Clearing the Way

It's the new year. I went to the Rose Bowl yesterday and it was a pretty amazing way to start off 2005. Jared and I walked around drinking orange juice and vodka out of plastic one-litre bottles and everyone had this look on their face. Or at least it seemed like they did to me. It was the new year.

I have been burning special edition dvds for cast and crew. If you are one of the lucky few, hold onto to your copy. Someday it will be worth thousands on eBay...

I've been clearing the music for my movie, which is overwhelming and educational. So far, the Sufjan Stevens song featured at the end of the movie (from the Michigan CD) has been cleared! And all I can say is that the people at Sounds Familyre -- specifically Lenny Smith -- are terrific and I'm really grateful to have befriended them. (Lenny had 2 questions: do you need all the f words? & can you use more of the song? my answers were yes & yes). I also was lucky to get to get festival rights to use the Walkmen song "138th St" and Matt Sharp's song "Shadows."

All of this has been pretty cool. I really have to thank everyone who has dealt with me over the phone, via email, and through the bane of my existence, the fax maching... Thank you for your patience and willingness to listen to me long enough and enough times so that I either convinced you to help me out or to get rid of me.

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